Spring Fashion Show at the University of Michigan Has Started
How to Find the Perfect Sunglasses for Your Hair & Face Shape
What to Wear on Gala Night? We Asked the Biggest Names!
Style Spy: Fashion Model Goes Casual in Faux Furr and Plaid
Meg Reynolds Vedic Meditation’s Travel & Teach Program!
Choosing a New Dentist…
Increase your Endurance Through the Pilates Method
The Ultimate Exercises to Improve Back Muscles
Motivational Songs to Have a Successful Workout
Move your body, consider a sunrise alarm and eat early: 8 tips to help you feel more alert on dark mornings
Do your favorite fall beers have any health benefits? The truth behind IPAs, pumpkin ales and more.
Some people don’t have body odor, even without deodorant. Here’s why — and what we can learn from them.
Sitting all day can cause weak hamstrings. Here’s how to strengthen them